Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I have an interest in the arts in and around Porirua City and wish to be more involved. How can I do that?
A. See our web page Get Involved for suggestions, email us directly or fill out the form on our membership page to become a member of Porirua Community Arts.
Q. Who elects the Porirua Community Arts Committee?
A. The Porirua Community Arts Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in October. Individuals wishing to serve on the committee need to be nominated by an existing committee member.
Q. Does Porirua Community Arts receive any funding from ratepayers via Porirua City Council?
A. The only funding from ratepayers and Porirua City Council received by Porirua Community Arts (PCA) has been in the form of seed funding for the Porirua Writers Walk. These funds were provided to accommodate consultants and artist fees. All further funding for the sculptures has been sourced through local community funding organisations.
Q. I want to be involved but hate going to meetings! How can I help?
A. We are all busy- all our committee members are part of working groups which report back to the monthly meeting in whatever way is best for them. As we are volunteers we do ‘what we can when we can’.
Q. I am in the film industry- is there any way I can get involved with Porirua Community Arts at a local level?
A. Our members come from every imaginable creative background, which then feeds into specific projects. Your skills in project management, community engagement, networking etc are what underpins how we do our work in and around Porirua.